Dienstag, 4. Februar 2003

no one knows who they are. no one knows on which side they're on. and no one wants to get involved. two enemies are becoming the victims of a war between the newsmakers and the peacekeepers.

Gute Filme kommen meistens nicht aus Hollywood. Eigentlich nie. Der hier auch nicht, dafür aber demnächst in deutsche Kinos. Geade eben gesehen, und deshalb die dringende Bitte: Ansehen. Die erste Stunde ist etwas zäh, aber das ist auch gut so: Keine künstliche Action, keine dramatisierenden Zeitdehnungen und -raffungen. Hoffentlich wird er nicht synchronisiert, denn das Sprachwirrwarr macht einen guten Teil des Films aus. Im Prinzip gehört der Film in eine Reihe mit 'War Photographer' und 'Wag the Dog'.

No Man's Land

Ciki and Nino, a Bosnian and a Serb, are soldiers stranded in No Man's Land - a trench between enemy lines during Bosnian war. They have no one to trust, no way to escape without getting shot, and a fellow soldier is lying on the trench floor with a spring-loaded bomb set to explode beneath him if he moves. The absurdity of their situation would be comical if it didn't have such dire consequences.

With the two men stuck in a bizarre predicament, a frustrated UN sergeant tries to help, despite orders to remain at his post. When a journalist waylays the sergeant while pushing for an exclusive scoop, she affects the unfolding events and turns a news story into an international circus. With the world's press waiting for an outcome, no one willing to take action (lest they accept responsibility), and a soldier still stuck with a bomb beneath him, Ciki and Nino try to keep their humanity amidst the insanity of war. [internat. Website]

# | 4.2.2003, 11:35 | features